World Heritage

In November 1972, the General Assembly of UNESCO adopted theĀ Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of all types and times.

By 2022, 50 years after the adoption of the convention, 1154 heritage properties in 167 countries have been placed under protection. Of these there are: 897 cultural properties, 218 natural properties and 39 properties belonging to both cultural and natural heritage. With cautious optimism, it can be stated that the protection of the heritage of humanity has become a concern for all peoples. The global recognition of the Convention was accompanied by demands for international and innovative standards for protection concepts, which addresses an increased use of heritage sites through tourism as well as deals with the dangers that arise with the changing world since 1972. Modern protection concepts must therefore include usage concepts, and usage concepts must be examined in terms of sustainability. Alongside the identification, protection and preservation of World Heritage, its utilisation plays an important role for the future. The IHS has made the protection and sustainable use of World Heritage its mission.