{"id":5331,"date":"2018-11-26T16:13:04","date_gmt":"2018-11-26T15:13:04","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/heritagestudies.eu\/?p=5331"},"modified":"2024-04-22T12:33:32","modified_gmt":"2024-04-22T10:33:32","slug":"the-unesco-memory-of-the-world-programme-key-aspects-and-recent-developments","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/heritagestudies.eu\/the-unesco-memory-of-the-world-programme-key-aspects-and-recent-developments\/","title":{"rendered":"The UNESCO Memory of the World Programme: Key Aspects and Recent Developments"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"Das<\/a>Der Band \u201cThe UNESCO Memory of the World Programme: Key Aspects and Recent Developments\u201d ist eine Reaktion auf das steigende Interesse an der Erforschung des Programms \u201eMemory of the World\u201c und dessen Kernkonzept zu Dokumentenerbe, welches bisher nur wenig Aufmerksamkeit im wissenschaftlichen Umfeld erregte. Hierbei handelt es sich um die sechste Ver\u00f6ffentlichung im Rahmen der Buchreihe Heritage Studies, welche als erste Zusammenstellung wesentlicher Ideen, Reflektionen, theoretischer und methodischer Ans\u00e4tze die Basis f\u00fcr zuk\u00fcnftige Analysen bildet.<\/p>\n

Der Sammelband, herausgegeben von Ray Edmondson, Lothar Jordan und Anca Claudia Prodan, vereint 21 internationale Wissenschaftler*innen welche die entscheidenden Aspekte f\u00fcr das Verst\u00e4ndnis vom Memory of the World Programm, seiner Entwicklungen, sowie dessen Relevanz und Potential er\u00f6rtern. Als Ziel setzt sich das Buch weitere Forschung an und um das Thema herum anzuregen und das Verst\u00e4ndnis des Programms innerhalb und au\u00dferhalb der Heritage Studies zu verbessern.<\/p>\n

Besprechung<\/strong>: Ryoko Nakano<\/a><\/p>\n


The UNESCO Memory of the World Programme: Key Aspects and Recent Developments
\n<\/strong>Band 6 der Reihe Heritage Studies
\nRay Edmondson, Lothar Jordan and Anca Claudia Prodan (Eds.)<\/p>\n

Ver\u00f6ffentlicht: 2020<\/p>\n

Springer International Publishing AG<\/strong><\/p>\n

Das Buch bei springer.de: https:\/\/link.springer.com\/book\/10.1007\/978-3-030-18441-4<\/a>.
\nDie vollst\u00e4ndige Serie \u201c
Heritage Studies Series<\/a>\u201c<\/strong> auf springer.de<\/p>\n



INHALT \/ TABLE OF CONTENTS<\/span><\/p>\n

Introduction: A New Road Is Opened<\/strong>
\nRay Edmondson (Australia), Lothar Jordan (Germany), Anca Claudia Prodan (Germany\/Romania)<\/p>\n

Memory of the World: Basics, Principles, and Ethics<\/strong><\/h5>\n

Memory of the World: An Introduction<\/strong>
\nRay Edmondson (Australia)<\/p>\n

Memory of the World: Key Principles and Philosophy<\/strong>
\nJoie Springer (Barbados)<\/p>\n

The Memory of the World Registers and Their Potential<\/strong>
\nRoslyn Russell (Australia)<\/p>\n

Memory of the World: The Recommendation, Guidelines and the Politics of Memory<\/strong><\/h5>\n

The Pathway to the Recommendation Concerning the Preservation of, and Access to, Documentary Heritage Including in Digital Form<\/strong>
\nHelen Jarvis (Cambodia)<\/p>\n

Reviewing the MoW General Guidelines: Reflections on the Experience of 2015\u20142017<\/strong>
\nRay Edmondson (Australia)<\/p>\n

History Wars in the Memory of the World: The Documents of the Nanjing Massacre and the „Comfort Women“<\/strong>
\nKyung-ho Suh (South Korea)<\/p>\n

Memory of the World in Context: Heritage Diversity and Convergence<\/strong><\/h5>\n

Methodological Convergence: Documentary Heritage and the International Framework for Cultural Heritage Protection<\/strong>
\nRichard A. Engelhardt (USA), Pernille Askerud (Denmark)<\/p>\n

The Appropriation of the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme in the Sociocultural Context of West Africa: The Contribution of the Department „Heritage Professions“ of the University Gaston Berger of Saint-Louis of Senegal to a Better Management of Oral Archives<\/strong>
\nPapa Momar Diop (Senegal)<\/p>\n

Making the Past Visible for the Future: Map of the Old City of Aleppo<\/strong>
\nSepideh Zarrin Ghalam (Germany\/lran), Christoph Wessling (Germany)<\/p>\n

Technological Challenges<\/strong><\/h5>\n

Memory of the World, Documentary Heritage and Digital Technology: Critical Perspectives<\/strong>
\nAnca Claudia Prodan (Germany\/Romania)<\/p>\n

Documentary Heritage in the Digital Age: Born Digital, Being Digital, Dying Digital<\/strong>
\nTitia van der Werf (Netherlands), Bram van der Werf (Netherlands)<\/p>\n

Documentary Heritage in the Cloud<\/strong>
\nLuciana Duranti (Canada\/ltaly)<\/p>\n

Audiovisual Documents and the Digital Age<\/strong>
\nDietrich Sch\u00fcller (Austria)<\/p>\n

How to Make Information on Nuclear Waste Sustainable? A Case for the Participation of the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme
\n<\/strong>Jonas Palm (Sweden), Lothar Jordan (Germany)<\/p>\n

Education and Research<\/strong><\/h5>\n

UNESCO’s „Memory of the World“ in Schools: An Essay Towards a Global Dialogue Around a Common Culture of Universal Memories<\/strong>
\nMartin Porter (France\/UK)<\/p>\n

Memory of the World Education in Macau<\/strong>
\nHelen H. K. leong (Macau\/China)<\/p>\n

Approaching the Memory of the World Programme with Arts Education Projects<\/strong>
\nJutta Str\u00f6ter-Bender (Germany)<\/p>\n

Exploring the Challenges Facing Archives and Records Management Professionals in Africa: Historical Influences, Current Developments and Opportunities<\/strong>
\nShadrack Katuu (South Africa)<\/p>\n

Terminology and Criteria of the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme: New Findings and Proposals for Research<\/strong>
\nLothar Jordan (Germany)<\/p>\n

Editors‘ Afterwords<\/strong><\/h5>\n

Back to the Future: A Reflection on Fundamentals Ray<\/strong>
\nEdmondson (Australia)<\/p>\n

Building Bridges Between Memory of the World, the Academic World and Memory Institutions<\/strong>
\nLothar Jordan (Germany)<\/p>\n

Heritage Studies and the Memory of the World: Concluding Reflections<\/strong>
\nAnca Claudia Prodan (Germany\/Romania)<\/p>\n



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