{"id":990,"date":"2022-09-28T12:44:08","date_gmt":"2022-09-28T10:44:08","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/heritagestudies.eu\/youngclimateaction\/?page_id=990"},"modified":"2022-11-06T12:20:17","modified_gmt":"2022-11-06T11:20:17","slug":"the-erzgebirge-krusnohori-mining-region","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/heritagestudies.eu\/youngclimateaction\/en\/the-erzgebirge-krusnohori-mining-region\/","title":{"rendered":"The Erzgebirge\/Kru\u0161noho\u0159\u00ed Mining Region"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Erzgebirge\/Kru\u0161noho\u0159\u00ed Mining Region
\n\u2013 heritage of global importance<\/strong><\/h2>\n

The extraordinary abundance of raw materials of the Ore Mountains formed the basis for a mining development of the entire region. A cultural landscape shaped by mining developed over 850 years. The mining of silver, tin, cobalt and uranium set the conditions for outstanding scientific knowledge and pioneering innovations in mining and smelting. To this day, important monuments from different mining periods have been preserved such as shafts and surface installations, heaps and surface depressions. In the mining towns administrative, sacred and profane buildings testify to this development. Moreover, mining in the Ore Mountains did not only left a rich tangible but also an extensive intangible heritage that is evident in the still living traditions of the region.<\/p>\n

Challenge for the protection and conservation of World Heritage sites<\/h3>\n

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges for the protection and conservation of World Heritage sites and will also play an increasingly important role in the Mining Region in the future. Within the framework of the project \"Young Climate Action for World Heritage\", three main topics are therefore brought into focus with young people, which are significant for the conservation of the World Heritage Site in the context of climate change:<\/p>\n