
The UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) in Germany consists of around 300 schools and educational institutions of all types. In their school profiles and their work, they commit to promoting UNESCO’s goals and values, and actively contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG 4 (quality education). While Education for Sustainable Development is one of the central approaches of the network, some schools also incorporate World Heritage education. Partnerships and cooperations with non-school actors are vital for ASPnet schools as part of an open and participatory network. The project thus offered the opportunity to introduce them to and connect them with World Heritage sites as places of learning about climate change.

As the project aimed to initiate and promote long-term partnerships between schools and World Heritage sites, it also invited schools beyond ASPnet to join, either because they had already been cooperating with World Heritage Sites or because they had been interested in a cooperation but had not found the momentum so far.