I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Stefana Banacha Żagań (Poland)
Students from Żagań visited the World Heritage Site “Palaces and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin” to learn about the threats to the trees and plants posed by climate change. They applied what they had learned in the workshop to their local context and to the situation of trees in historical gardens in their home town, and became active for the protection of historical parks in Żagań.
“We wanted to make a change and now we will, as this project has inspired us to unite and fight for what we believe [in]. Our main goal is to simply spread the word! We want to educate others with the knowledge that we ourselves have learned. We will fully immerse ourselves in every opportunity that we will have to learn even more ourselves. By educating others, we hope to inspire people, and in the end, unite, because together we are stronger!” Student’s quote